Would You Like To Join The Greater Miami Symphonic Band?
Talented adult musicians are invited to inquire about vacancies and placement opportunities.
Submit a “Member Interest Form” online (Join the Band button) or e-mail us at GMSB@gmsb.org with any questions.
Membership is open to fine ADULT musicians based on the following requirements:
A vacancy is exists
A “Member Interest Form” is submitted (click “Join The Band” below) online and personnel sheet is completed
A successful pre-screening is completed with our Personnel Manager
Membership dues are current
Dues are paid in September for the full year, or half in September and half in February.
The GMSB season runs from September-June. Rehearsals are on Tuesday nights from 8-10pm at the University of Miami Frost School of Music. Earlier starting times and later ending times, as well as additional rehearsals, may be scheduled.
All members are expected to adhere to concert dress guidelines for both indoor and outdoor performances.