Purchase Tickets for the 2024-2025 Season
Adult Individual Tickets
Student Individual Tickets
Season Tickets are currently unavailable.
Ticket Prices and Policies
You may purchase Discounted Season Tickets and/or Individual Concert Tickets online using the PayPal link above OR by mailing a check made payable to the Greater Miami Symphonic Band at:
P.O. BOX 16-1233
Miami, FL 33116
Discounted Group Ticket Sales are available upon request. A minimum of 10 tickets may be purchased at $15 each. Payment must be received in one full payment via cash, credit, or check. Contact us by phone at 305-273-7687 or write us at GMSB@GMSB.org to make arrangements in advance.
If ordered online, you will receive an e-mail confirmation following your order. Should you have any questions, please call the GMSB office at 305-273-7687 or email us at GMSB@GMSB.org.
ALL TICKET ORDERS, including Season Tickets, will be available for pick up at the WILL CALL TABLE on the day/night of each concert within one hour of concert time. Tickets will no longer be mailed out (effective as of 8/16/23).
GOLDEN TICKET vouchers will be accepted by GMSB for all events. Please bring your completed coupon to the Will Call table for ticket exchange.
All dates, guest conductors/performers, and prices subject to change.
No Refunds will be offered.
If you lose your tickets, please call us at 305-273-7687.
Gusman Hall Concert Series tickets are available at the Gusman Concert Hall Box Office on the night of the concert, starting one hour before the performance, or at the GMSB Will Call table located inside the lobby.
Pinecrest Gardens, Banyan Bowl concert tickets are available at the GMSB Will Call table located inside Pinecrest Gardens.
Cash, check, and credit cards accepted onsite on the day of the events.
All seating is General Admission. There are no reserved seats for any events.
There will be a $1.00 convenience charge added to each ticket purchased online or at the Box Office when using a credit card.